Saturday, May 10, 2014


My feet started tingling at the prospect of sinking my feet into the soft Italian grass.  I could go there?  I could.  I wish I was.  I wish that right now I were on a plane headed to Italy just because the world is awesome and I want to see it.

I get hung up on the not-so-awesome parts of the world much too often.  Sometimes money is where my dreaming stops, and with it my joy.  I mentioned in my last post that I'm giving up expectations of myself...I have learned that I am capable of more than I think I am, but sometimes feel trapped from making capabilities reality.

Transparency.  Why is it so easy to perceive others as totally and entirely transparent when in my head I can't even get a solid picture of who I am?

If we're honest, nobody's completely okay.  "That which is most personal is most universal," and yet we resist total honesty, would rather act like we have it all together.  Which might be true most of the time, but one moment of honesty and we feel like the rest of them will judge while pulling their cloaks tighter against their vulnerable hearts.

Here's to being human.

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