Monday, April 11, 2016

springtime and side-hurting laughs

The evening sun is softly bringing to life all of the new, green growth springing up around here.  The rain that’s fallen in the past few days has coaxed the trees to let their limbs bud with pretty little pink and white blossoms.  The air is sweet and hopeful.

I’ve been trying for weeks now to write about all that I’ve experienced in the past few months, but I haven’t been able to put it into words yet.  Suffice it to say that things don’t always go as planned and that’s what makes life beautiful.

In the meantime, I hope your life is going well.  I hope that when you wake up in the morning you get to do what you love with people who care deeply about you.  I hope you’re dreaming big and remembering to have fun in the midst of the craziness.  I hope you’re learning more each day who you are and what you were created for.  I hope you’re watching great movies and listening to beautiful music.  I hope you’re taking walks and soaking in the beauty of nature, wherever you happen to find yourself living.  I hope you’re laughing a lot, the side-hurting kind that goes all the way to the depths of your heart.

And, most of all, I hope you feel loved…because you are.

